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The impact of an educational program on some judo skills on developing motor balance

Introduction. Judo is a well-known Olympic sport and martial art that stresses the importance of mental and physical discipline. The goal is to controllably and safely submit an opponent using a range of techniques, like as throws, takedowns, joint locks, and chokes. By honing their agility, balance, and coordination, judokas also improve their strength, flexibility, and capacity for strategic thought. Judo is an all-encompassing system for personal and physical growth since it teaches respect, persistence, self-control, and other qualities in addition to physical skills.

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a Judo-based instructional program on the development of motor balance in athletes between the ages of 15 and 18.

Study participants and methods. The sample of the study consists of 15 junior players of the Bsira Sports Club for judo in Tafila/Jordan, who were selected in the manner deliberately, and the average weight 67,33, height 165,93, and age 16,60. The values of motor balance use the modified star flight test. The skills education program was applied for (8) 5 reasons per week for (60) minutes at a time (15 minutes for warm-up, 35 minutes for the central part, and 10 minutes to calm down). Statistical methods: athematic averages, standard deviations, T-test for pairs to compare pre and post-measurement, correlation coefficient, coefficient of variation, coefficient of convolution coefficient of Kurtosis.

Results. On the whole, the motor balance variables showed statistically significant improvements. These included forward movement (mean: pre-63.93, post-66.00; T-value: 5.21), inner backward motion (mean: pre-66.93, post-68.27; T-value: 4.39), and outward backward motion (mean: pre-61.47, post-62.20; T-value: 4.78). The results showed a considerable improvement in motor balance after training, as all T-values were significant at α < 0.05. These results provide credence to the idea that judo training improves stability and the function of the lower limbs via the development of motor balance.

Conclusion. The findings demonstrate that the implementation of this program leads to improvements in equilibrium, coordination, and overall balance among participants. The study highlights the specific components of the program, such as balance exercises and proprioceptive training, that contribute to motor balance development. By targeting these areas, trainers can design effective training regimens for Judo athletes. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of introducing Judo training at a young age, as early intervention can have a lasting impact on motor balance. Overall, the study provides valuable insights for optimizing Judo training programs and enhancing performance outcomes.
The importance of this study lies in the fact that it investigates the efficacy of certain exercises and drills designed for Judo in improving balance, stability, agility, and coordination. These enhancements help the participants physically and increase their Judo performance. The results of this study have important implications for improving Judo training programs and may also be applicable to other types of athletic training.

Keywords: motor balance development, judo, modified star flight test, strategic thinking, youth athletes, strength and flexibility

For Reference: Al-Odat, J. E. (2024). The impact of an educational program on some judo skills on developing motor balance. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 68 (2), 295–311. doi: 10.32744/pse.2024.2.18

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Information about the authors:

Jebreel E. Al-Odat (Jordan, Amman) - Associate Professor, PhD, Faculty member. Al-Balqa Applied University. E-mail: alodatjebreel@gmail.com. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6933-6667. Scopus Author ID: 57933985900

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