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The pedagogical teaching of Immanuel Kant in the light of his philosophical anthropology

Introduction. The humanistic understanding of the goals and objectives of upbringing and education presupposes the expediency and fruitfulness of the fundamental idea of the comprehensive and harmonious development of human. The task of forming a personality comes to the fore here, and not just transferring a certain amount of knowledge and skills to a student.

One of the founders of this approach in upbringing and education is Immanuel Kant (1724–1824), which makes the analysis of his philosophical and pedagogical views relevant. The object of study in the article is the critical philosophy he created in unity with other parts of his system, and the subject is his pedagogical legacy. The purpose of the work is to analyze the main provisions of the concept of upbringing and education of Kant in the light of the project of philosophical anthropology developed by him, to determine the relationship between his pedagogy and anthropology.

Materials and methods. The general basis of the study was the method of philosophical and anthropological reconstruction and the method of content-semantic interpretation, through which the analysis of the pedagogy of the German thinker was carried out. The work also used the modeling method and the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete.

Research results. Kant created pedagogical doctrine on the basis of the doctrine of human, the essence of which lies in the reason. The philosopher saw the rationale for the need for upbringing and education in morality. The goal of the development of society is the moral improvement of mankind on the basis of the development of abilities given by nature in the individual. Schooling refers to physical upbringing and involves the development of bodily properties and mental abilities of individuals; it is aimed at acquiring knowledge, developing skills and acquiring skills. Education refers to practical upbringing; it is aimed at the development of morality and the spiritual world of the individual.

The main goal of upbringing is the formation of a person as a rationally thinking and freely acting member of society. Therefore, upbringing, together with care and discipline, includes education and training. The task of school-mechanical education is the acquisition of skills useful for life, the task of pragmatic education is the achievement of rationality, the task of moral education is the formation of morality.

Conclusion. Contained in the three “Critiques”, the ideal of “educational human”, as a comprehensive and harmonious moral personality, is based on his understanding as a rational, free and creative being. The programs of transcendental anthropology, moral anthropology and empirical anthropology developed by Kant were implemented by him in the conceptual models of “physiological human science” (the study of what nature makes of a person) and “pragmatic human science” (the study of what he, as a free being, makes of himself), which are steps on the way to building a holistic doctrine of human.

But the philosophical anthropology of the Koenigsberg scientist is not a “concrete human science”, but rather his idea, a project where the doctrine of upbringing and education in individual development and in the course of social history serves as the basis for meaningful knowledge about a human as a representative of the genus Homo sapiens with reason.

Keywords: Immanuel Kant, pedagogy, transcendentalism, theoretical reason, practical reason, morality, human, personality, upbringing, training, education, philosophical anthropology

For Reference: Burkhanov, R. A., & Kosenok, S. M. (2022). The pedagogical teaching of Immanuel Kant in the light of his philosophical anthropology. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 60 (6), 491-505. doi: 10.32744/pse.2022.6.29

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Information about the authors:

Rafael A. Burkhanov (Russia, Surgut) - Professor, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Head of the Philosophy and Law Department. Surgut State University. E-mail: ra.nvarta@gmail.com. ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4910-3759 

Sergei M. Kosenok (Russia, Surgut) - Rector, Professor, Doctor of pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Professional and Additional Education. Surgut State University. E-mail: ksm@surgu.ru. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2262-9323

Aristotle’s philosophy on happiness and its meaning to educate Vietnamese today

Introduction. This article focuses on clarifying Aristotle’s views on happiness. The objective is to describe the development of the idea of happiness from ancient times to the present to explain the role of happiness in social life. Every person needs happiness, and every society wants to achieve it. Aristotle considered happiness to be a human epistemological process. Happiness plays a vital role in human life’s purpose. Happiness is also a right that every person should have in their life.

The purpose is to find out the content of happiness and the method to achieve happiness for people, especially Vietnamese people, in the process of global integration. They are educating people toward a happy life.

Materials and methods. Based on the study of Aristotle’s Nicomaque Ethics to clarify the happiness category. The work played a pivotal role in Aristotle’s determination of happiness. The article uses materialist dialectic to explain arguments about happiness expressed by Aristotle in ten separate books and based on notes from his lectures at the Lyceum. In addition, the article uses analytical and synthetic methods to clarify the point of happiness in the history of human philosophical thought from ancient, medieval, and modern times thereby drawing the content of Aristotle’s view of happiness.

Results and discussions. Aristotle was the first to address happiness and research on happiness. He affirmed that happiness is a need, a good nature of human beings. Happiness is considered under moral value as a criterion to evaluate a person’s virtue, so it has moral significance. Happiness is human action in life towards beauty. Happiness is also a cognitive ability in humans; through training, training, and education, people can achieve the value of happiness. Therefore, it is necessary to educate people to achieve happiness; however, the happiness of Aristotle is from a spiritual perspective. Meanwhile, material life plays a vital role in shaping the concept of human happiness. Therefore, Aristotle has not mentioned the decisive role of material life. At the same time, happiness is the factor that individuals do well, society is also good, but the part of social happiness places on the individual’s view of happiness.

Practical significance. Clarifying Aristotle’s perspective on happiness, the article points out the amount of socio-economic development orientation from a macro perspective in building a happy Vietnam. The nation’s happiness is the development of both material and spiritual factors. On that basis, personal happiness is the cause of national construction and renovation. Since then, for Vietnam to be happy, it is necessary to improve the people’s role as the master of the country, to take the people as the root. It is essential to educate Vietnamese people comprehensively so they realize that their happiness is closely related to the people’s happiness in the cause of building the nation’s happiness. The third is educating people about the spirit of building happiness in the government associated with the country’s socio-economic development because the happiness of the Vietnamese people is to ensure material and spiritual benefits for the Vietnamese people.

Keywords: Aristotle, happiness, human, philosophy, ethics

For Reference: Bui, D. X., & Pham, K. T. (2022). Aristotle’s philosophy on happiness and its meaning to educate Vietnamese today. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 60 (6), 475-490. doi: 10.32744/pse.2022.6.28

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Information about the authors:

Dung Xuan Bui (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) - Faculty of High Quality Training. Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education. E-mail: dungbx@hcmute.edu.vn. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8323-6443

Kien Thi Pham (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) - University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. E-mail: kienpt@ueh.edu.vn. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8024-8679